Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Letter Sent to Commissioner Dr Cooper


I'm at a bit of a loss. You seemed devoted to talking about censorship, which I guess is like suppression, but I'm not sure what you meant by it. One example I think you gave was of the withdrawal of Commissioner columns from the newsletter. I guess you mean you felt censored. I assume you are aware that no other Commissioner had any opportunity you didn't have. So do you think you were all censored, or do you think it was just you? You will note, of course, that in the last two editions of the newsletter, you had more words than any other Commissioner. You had twice as many as the second wordiest in the last edition where Commissioner comments were included. I can't imagine that seems like censorship to you. I think you should see your raging around, saying things that aren't true (as Roxy detailed for you), and gobbling up inches of column-length as your problem, not a reflection of someone else's bad attitude.

During the meeting tonight, Noah took a couple of opportunities to suppress me, but he did not suppress you, even when you were talking about me. Do you think I was censored? You didn't argue with Noah. I asked you if you wanted a conversation with me, you said no, and as soon as I was no longer entitled to speak, you started in on me. What you did, in effect, was to collude with Noah to censor me.

The Biscayne Times, which you referenced, has published columns from Gaspar, in which he has done nothing but criticize me, usually making things up, and it once published a long letter of Bernard's, and that letter was about nothing in the world other than trashing me personally. I wrote in rebuttal, of course, and the publisher insisted I severely shorten my response before he would publish it. The Bernard letter he published was over 700 words. Mullin limited me to about half of that. Do you think I was censored or suppressed? Will Mullin be hearing from you to criticize him for the way he treated me by censoring me? I am rarely given an opportunity to challenge Gaspar when he writes to criticize me, even though his criticisms are factually distorted at best, and often simply wrong. But apart from this month, my letters are rarely printed. Would you count this as censorship or suppression? Will Mullin be hearing from you about that, too?

So I'm just confused about your perseveration regarding "censorship." It's just not clear to me who you think is being censored.

I welcome your reply.


PS: So you've gone after Ana, Michael Arciola, Maria, Roxy, Bob, Al, some of us non-Commissioner residents of the Park, and now you're planning to go after the Foundation? What's with you? It seems like a mindless reflex you have, just to accuse people of things. Chuck says you're an anarchist. I think he's right, but I think of you more as a terrorist. Why do you want to go after the Foundation? It's a civic pride and community enrichment organization. You don't even contribute to it. Instead of running the Foundation down, you should be ashamed of yourself. You're a Commissioner. You should be the first one to support the Village and its Foundation.

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