Sunday, March 11, 2012

Addendum about the School Post, and about Another Little Matter.

I hope I can be delicate about this.  I probably can't.

A very few months ago, I reported about a little rumor I heard.  Part of it had to do with our Manager, and some crosshairs.  I got a certain amount of flak for that post.

So at the church/school informational meeting, the topic came up about whether the c/s was supposed to inform the neighborhood about the meeting.  They promised they would, and they pretty much didn't.  According to what one of them said, they managed to inform maybe a couple hundred of our 3000 residents.  I don't know what the method of outreach was, but they didn't inform me.  I got notice about it from two of the Commissioners.

At this meeting two days ago, Bryan Cooper made a complaint about the lack of notice of the meeting.  The c/s was supposed to inform everyone, but Bryan wasn't complaining that they didn't.  He mentioned that only a small segment of the Village was informed by the "blast" e-mails from Commissioners, but he wasn't exactly complaining about that, either.  (He, himself, perhaps, did not bother to inform anyone.  I certainly didn't get notice from him.)

Nope, Bryan complained that the Village Manager failed to inform everyone.  He complained that one of the few people whose job it wasn't to inform the neighborhood didn't inform the neighborhood.

So just remember: Heads Up.  I'm just sayin'...

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