Friday, September 27, 2024

We Should Be More Sporting About This. It's Too Easy Just to Declare Myself Patently Right.

There is, of course, no such thing as "god," but considering all the boosterism, it seems unfairly unceremonious to dismiss this matter without at least playing at it.

GOP Congressman's Prayer "Should Be Offensive To Every Christian" (

Frankly, there appears to be nothing to recommend Clay Higgins to anyone in any way.  Whether Mike Johnson considers himself an exception, or he was just lying, is not determinable.  Higgins is, and always has been, a nasty character.  He can't hold jobs, because he's intolerable, and he has no respect for anyone.

So, when Higgins got caught making his most recent hostile and destructive wisecrack (referred to as a "rant") on what Brian Cohen calls nuTwitter, at the expense, of course, of other people, he sort of panicked, in his pathetic way.  According to the report, Higgins sequestered himself to a corner of the House of Representatives (Louisiana; don't even ask me how such a thing could happen) to "pray" about what to do. 

It's unclear and unspecified to what Higgins prayed, but the result was that he decided to remove the nuTwitter twit, hosted by the nuTwitter twat.

And let's be clear here.  Higgins did not apologize to anyone, nor did he say he had come to realize he was wrong.  His big gesture was just to remove the twit.  In fact, if there was any way to add insult to injury, Higgins said he was right about what he decided should not be public.

And Johnson?  He accepted the intervention of prayer, and he described Higgins as a "dear friend and colleague [from Louisiana]," and he further described Higgins as "frank," "outspoken," and "very principled."

But here's the problem.  Or, as Shakespeare said, the rub.  If someone is acceptable as a "dear friend," is "very principled," and is reachable by prayer to some sort of hyper ethical almighty, why is he using "social" media to spew that kind of shit in the first place?  I am, of course, most prominently considering that he himself is a liar and full of shit, but if I don't do that, then it's a real head-scratcher.

Why would "god" let the faithful behave that way?  Or why wouldn't "god" take the same position Mike Johnson took, and reassure the supplicant that he is a good person, worthy of being someone's "dear friend," "very principled," and very simply expressing sentiments it is his every right, and perhaps even obligation, to express?  After all, if Haitians are horrible people who steal and eat their neighbors' pets, and ought to go back to Haiti, why shouldn't Higgins freely say so, and why shouldn't "god" frankly pat him on the back for his courage and efforts to protect, you know, real Americans?

Unless, I don't know, there's actually no such thing as "god," and all of this was a scam perpetrated on suckers willing to go along with it.  (You can't unread what people read, and since Higgins strategically didn't recant, well...)  I'd include Mike Johnson in that latter group, but I don't think he's one bit better.  Christians have no idea how many things "Should Be Offensive to Every Christian."

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