Sunday, August 4, 2024

Dems Are Taking the Wrong Approach

I get e-mail after e-mail taunting little Donnie Trump, and challenging him to agree to a debate with Kamala Harris, without a net (his protectors who run interference for him at Fox "News.")

But what's to debate?  The fact that little Donnie's tail is farther between his legs than anyone imagined a tail could go, and the fact that little Donnie lies continually, and the fact that Harris is a former prosecutor who knows very well how to deal with riff-raff like little Donnie, and the fact that we already watched little Donnie screw up four years in the White House, really says everything that has to be said.

Where would little Donnie be without Mitchy McConnell, and the SCOTUS supermajority Mitchy confirmed for him?  He'd be watching very late night nonsense on television, masturbating into his social media, and trying hard not to drown in the bathtub.

If I were Harris, or the people running her campaign, I wouldn't say another word about it.  She already said she'd be there waiting at her podium on the originally scheduled day, and there's nothing more to say.  She should be there, as Jon Ossoff was there when David Perdue chickened out.  They can ask her questions, including hard questions, and she can answer them.  She's running for president, and she's a normal person.  She must have a platform, or a theory, or an approach to various issues, and she should reveal them.  Little Donnie doesn't count any more.  "No, but..."  "Only if..."  Who cares about little Donnie's dodges any more?

Sure, he'll get some votes.  The reason for dog whistles is the presence of instinct-driven dogs.

But it's all over now.  The polls show it, and everyone knows it.

Harris is excited and proud of herself, and in my opinion, she gives too many big smiles.  This is a serious job, it's hard, if you do it right, and every day that she doesn't cut off the Israelis, more innocent Palestinians, and aid workers, and journalists, get killed.  And DeJoy is still there fucking up everyone's mail.  Harris and Biden need to straighten that out, NOW!

But November?  It's taken care of.  Harris, her campaign team, and Dems can't get fixated on that any more.  Harris and her team can't bother about little Donnie and his ultra-generous backing that's not doing him any good.  He's shot himself in the foot so many times that he probably needs a leg amputated by now.  And if, in reality, he doesn't have any leg to stand on, then he can have them both amputated.

This party's over.  I know there have been many people, and an increasing number of them, who say this Party's over.  Maybe so.  It's a lot of self-inflicted injury.  Nobody told them to do that.  People keep telling them not to.

1 comment:

  1. There have been several large groups of various people lately who have come out for Harris. Today, I saw an article about "Republicans for Harris." "Per the report, ex-Trump White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement 'I encourage other Trump administration officials who saw the tyrant we worked for in office to speak out and stand with Kamala Harris."

    I still say some people will vote for Trump, but it's less and less clear who in this country that will be. He makes a fool of himself every day.
