Monday, December 17, 2018

A Dictatorship Comes Closer to Perfection.

Tracy Truppman might not be the most autocratic Commissioner the Village has ever had.  (I hope she won't experience that comment as a challenge to step up her despotism.)  That distinction probably goes to Ed Burke.  But Tracy is working hard to cement her total control over everything in the Village.  The fact that she couldn't do it without enabling stooges, who are statutorily entitled to their own power, but cede it all to Tracy, is a curiosity.  And Tracy's job is harder, because we have a Charter Ed Burke didn't have, and it sets out specifically to prevent Tracy from doing what she's doing.

However Tracy managed it, she has secured a critical first line of protection.  She has put together a Commission that won't challenge her.  And she hired a manager who also won't challenge her.  It takes a little more than that to choke the life out of the Village and its government, and she's working on the rest.

In an indoctrination meeting for the new Commission, Tracy had the new Village attorney reassure the Commissioners that they are not required to respond to negative e-mails.  This is a curious statement from the new Village attorney, because it has no meaning of its own.  Of course Commissioners are not required to respond to criticism.  They're not required to respond to anything.  John Herrin doesn't have to tell them that.  And many of them don't, even without his telling them they don't have to.  They don't feel like it, they can't be bothered, they object to being criticized, or whatever, and they ignore their neighbors.  So why did John Herrin tell them they're excused?  Because it wasn't John Herrin telling them anything.  It was Tracy Truppman demonstrating that John Herrin is a puppet, too, and entering onto the record that it is officially permissible for Commissioners to ignore their neighbors.  Those are the people whose votes Commissioners occasionally want.

And then, there's this, now to be attached to Village communications pertaining to meetings:  "DECORUM - All comments must be addressed to the Commission as a body and not to individuals. Any person making impertinent or slanderous remarks, or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Commission, shall be barred from further audience before the Commission by the presiding officer, unless permission to continue or again address the commission is granted by the majority vote of the Commission members present. No clapping, applauding, heckling or verbal outbursts in support or in opposition to a speaker or his/her remarks shall be permitted. No signs or placards shall be allowed in the Commission Chambers. Please mute or turn off your cell phone or pager at the start of the meeting. Failure to do so may result in being barred from the meeting. Persons exiting the Chamber shall do so quietly. Tracy has clearly moved to the next level of suppressing her neighbors, who are supposedly her constituents.  These are also the people whose voices she proposed should be heard.  At least that was her come-on, when she was running for office.  Cute phrase, too: "barred from further audience before the Commission."  It kind of speaks for itself.  Tracy always avoided commitments to "decorum" when they might have affected her prerogative with respect to her colleagues or her neighbors.  But she's much more enthusiastic about it when it serves the purpose of shutting down others' challenges of her.  Not even signs or placards are allowed in Tracy's domain.

It'll be interesting to see if any of Tracy's supposed colleagues (they're really just underlings, subordinates, and stooges) raises any issues about this muzzling of those who attend Commission meetings.  The beat(down) goes on.


  1. I think the commission needs its own set of rules of decorum (not kidding) that would include:
    1. replying to emails from residents rather than ignoring them, even if they deem them "negative"
    2. responding to public comment rather than ignoring residents who care enough and take their time to show up for those meetings
    3. not bitch-slapping residents at meetings like Betsy did earlier this month
    4. uniformly enforcing rules of decorum ... ie, the peanut gallery on the back right side that "whoop, whoops" every time Mayor Myopia says something Trumpian

    1. As I said, Mac, Tracy has been carefully strategic about sheltering her own indecorousness, while inhibiting what she portrays as the indecorousness of her neighbors.

      As you pointed out, it remains to be seen whether Tracy's interpreted conclusion of indecorousness depends on the content of what her neighbors produce.

  2. Ditto what Mac said! I went back to 2016 prior to Mayor Myopia's arrival (Mac that is fabulous and ever so descriptive!) and turns out that line about addressing the entire commission not an individual commissioner was in the decorum rules. Have no clue when that started but I have to question whether or not that would stand a 1st amendment test. Taken to its extreme those of us who spoke in praise of Rox would have been in violation. If a particular commissioner has an agenda item we couldn't address that commissioner when in fact they would be the ones with most knowledge of what they have in mind and in the best position to address concerns.
    I sent an email last week - twice actually when I got no response - simply suggesting some better ways to publicize special meetings (front page website, brief description in the body of the blast email). The 2nd time I sent it Dan did respond. No other commission member either time and this was NOT a negative email. Krishan's response on Friday was that more info would go up later that day. All that amounted to was posting the back up like they always eventually do. Still dated info on the home page and email blast with no info in the body. So - unless people continually go to the calendar on a regular basis they have no clue what's going on. It would appear that's exactly what this bunch wants.

  3. Ive already stated that by the attorney stating they dont have to answer negative emails that leaves it open to interpretation and now they wont answer any emails that are not self serving. This is a joke and any commissioner that does not answer emails from a constituent negative, positive or otherwise is a coward and should not be representing this community. PS this is nothing new its just official now. Krishan hasn't answered emails for months and other than Rox I have never gotten a response from anyone else.

  4. One officious mayor, two confirmed do-nothing, kowtowing weaklings, and two "TBD." But, if Betsy's debut performance was any indication, she'll be Tracy's pit bull. Mrs. Maisel, our resident comic ain't.
