Thursday, February 11, 2021

For What It's Worth.

Come on...focus.  I didn't put the title of this post in quotes.  Of course I'm not talking about the Buffalo Springfield song.  I'm talking about this blog.

The first post was dated 6/12/11.  In a few months, that will be 10 years ago.  During those 9 1/2+ years, there have been over 302K views.  This is a very rough and meaningless statistic, because it takes into account all views, even by people who have already read a given post, and are just checking to see if there are more comments.  In that sense, the number is sort of inflated.  On the other hand, this blog is very specific, and it is intended for a very small population of people.  The circulation for announcement of new posts is also very small, usually about 85.  So, in that sense, the viewership is an underestimate of how many people might be interested in the topics, if they knew the blog existed.

The "Stats" page says there are 757 posts.  It is not made clear if this includes only published posts, or unpublished drafts, too.  The vast majority of posts were written by me, but there are several other authors as well.  Most people who requested to be guest authors wrote at least one post.  Some requested guest authorship, but never posted anything.  I assume they were thinking about something, but changed their minds.  And several (or many?) people were offered guest authorship, and didn't accept the offer.

There are 3200 comments over the almost 10 years.  For a very long time, almost all of these were serious comments.  But there are two kinds of comments that are not serious.  The uncommon type is someone, or some computer, that enters a comment on a blog to which it is not connected, probably because of a certain word that triggers a comment.  These comments are almost always intended to sell something.  They are not personal, and they are not relevant to the posts to which they are attached.  The other non-serious comments are very recent, and they come from one Village resident who spews personal gripes that are not connected to the topic under discussion.  I'm in a peculiar spot about this resident.  He and I privately agreed that he would not be mentioned or referred to in any way, and that no one would say he was deceased (he did not explain why he thought anyone would say he was deceased if he wasn't, or why he would care if they did), and in exchange, he would cease/"desist" commenting on this blog.  His comments were always irrelevant and insulting to one or more people, and they added nothing to the discussions.  Unfortunately, he reneged on his part of the bargain, and I have tried not to renege on mine.  (The above description is an example of my failure to keep my part of the bargain.)

And the statistic about comments is the same as the statistic about views and the statistic about the number of posts: this is a very focused blog -- only aimed at particular matters of expected interest to BP residents -- and the statistics are therefore comparatively limited.

But still, the views statistic reached 302K just this week, or maybe the end of last week, and the number of comments reached 3200 today.  I have no idea if these are in any sense milestones.  They're not really, in the sense that the numbers could have been much higher in a different setting, or much lower in some other setting.  They just are what they are.  It's a curiosity and a coincidence that the number of views and the number of comments contain, for the moment, the same numbers: 3, 0 & 2.  I was just noticing.


  1. I have increased Viewership tremendously I should get paid for my comments

  2. Little Freddy you broke the arrangement when you claim that I was deceased making a false statement broke the arrangement now let’s get back to getting compensated for my comments that increases your views I’ll send my bill via email

  3. Little Freddie doctor you’re 70 years old you have nothing to do you don’t practice medicine anymore spend your time trying to help the residents of Biscayne Park you know what this guy has planned for Biscayne Park it’s not good for you it’s not good for me it’s not good for anybody in Biscayne Park let’s impeach him it can be done you’ve heard him you’ve made statements that he talks too much he interrupts he create Senseless statements using up time of other residents that could be talking and expressing their views doesn’t let the other commissioners talk it’s time to talk him out of office

  4. Let’s at least try if we lose we lose if we win we gain a better Biscayne Park for all of us all about values. You know very clear and well Diaz is on his way out Just count how many times he points the finger at Diaz in during the meetings constantly interrupting and constantly questioning him as if he was the boss as if he was in charge he is not he’s just one of a couple of commissioners inappropriate behavior takes a vantage of his position drowns everyone out you know that it’s true Fred you’ve made multiple statements about him talking too much
