Saturday, September 7, 2019

It Appears the Commission and Village Administration Have Painted Themselves Into a Corner.

Last week, many of us received from the Village manager an e-blast.  The communication informed recipients that there were several board openings, and it asked recipients if they were interested in serving on a board.  Or, to put it slightly more directly and perhaps forcefully, it asked Village residents to apply to be on boards.  The boards-- the Village; we-- need the help.

Personally, I have been on a few boards since I moved here in 2005.  I started on Planning and Zoning, because then new Commissioner Kelly Mallette needed to make an appointment, and she asked me to be on that board.  That was in part how I got to know Kelly, whom I like very much, and it was my pleasure to participate.  As an outgrowth of being on P&Z, I also wound up on the Code Review committee.  Participation there was similarly my pleasure.  After a few years, the BP Foundation was formed, and I moved to that group.  Eventually, I resigned from the Foundation, because I ran for Commission, on which I served for three years.

When my Commission term ended, I was not on any board.  At some point, I applied again, and I was willing to be on any board, although I was thinking either the Foundation again, or maybe Parks and Parkways, would be a good place for me.

But in the meantime, I had run afoul of Tracy Truppman.  Well, you don't run afoul of Tracy Truppman without paying a price for it, and part of the price I paid was that Tracy would not permit me to be on any Village board.  (As a technical matter, Tracy cannot single-handedly prevent anyone from being on a board.  She needs confederates on the Commission for that.  She has them.  The mechanism Tracy and her confederates use is that if someone like me applies to be on any board at all, Tracy and her confederates/stooges/bobbleheads/whatever go lean on some other Village resident to apply for the same board-- I think it was maybe last year that she got these competing applications to happen on Sunday, April 1, which is pretty comical-- and Tracy and the kids just choose the other applicants.)

So, as I said, one of the boards for which I applied was the Foundation.  Tracy scared up Laura Graves and David Goehl, so she could keep me off that board.  David rarely or perhaps never attended meetings, Laura was very helpful, but now, Laura wants to be on P&Z instead.  If you're asking yourself why Laura, who appeared to have been committed and helpful on the Foundation, would want to be on P&Z instead, it's a good question.  I do know that Laura is a realtor, and P&Z have a lot to say about what construction and renovation plans are approved.  Does that create an opportunity for conflict of interest for a realtor?  I guess it could.  If it did, it wouldn't be the first time in recent years.

So, Tracy's two shills have run their courses, and Tracy is now back looking for applicants.  Or "Krishan" is.  But Tracy still has the same problem she always has.  There are people who would be happy to serve on boards, but Tracy won't allow it.  Tracy has created a problem about which she is now complaining.

And the funny thing about it is that what Tracy thinks she's accomplishing-- she thinks she's punishing or frustrating someone-- is actually the opposite of the reality.  People want to be on boards, because they feel a commitment to the Village, or almost as if they owe the Village and its residents something.  Unless you can find a way to derive personal and selfish benefit from something like conflict of interest, or you just like some sense of "power," being on a board is a task.  It's a kind of burden.  You have to attend meetings, and do research, and maintain diplomacy and deference for other people, even if you disapprove of them.  I mean Tracy doesn't do that, but normal people do.

I don't think there's any way to help Tracy.  She's completely out of control, and she lashes out at her neighbors and undermines the functioning of the Village.  She doesn't have to do that, but it's who she is.  And whatever this is about, she really does have mindless or fearful confederates.  Tracy and her stooges/bobbleheads prevent the Village from functioning, because Tracy thinks this is somehow all about her.  And her antipathies.  And her wars and crusades.  And she seems to think she's harming someone like me by telling me my life is easier, because I have fewer commitments.  It's pretty sad.


  1. I forgot to mention that I responded to Krishan Manners' outreach by asking him and all the Commissioners if I'm still blackballed, and there's therefore no point in my applying to be on a board. I heard back only from Dan Samaria, who told me that from his point of view (which I reminded him doesn't count), I am welcome to apply, and I would be perfectly acceptable to be on a board. But I didn't hear anything from Krishan, Tracy, or the stooges, and they're the only ones whose decisions matter.

  2. A good leader actively recruits the best people for positions, particularly volunteer positions, or s/he accepts the help of smart people who can get things done for the organization, especially given there is no upside for the volunteers. These board positions don't further one's career or line their pockets (unless there's a conflict, as you stated). An even better leader knows to pluck smart folks from "the other side" to help heal rifts and create a cohesive team mentality. ("Keep your enemies closer ....") I've applied for a board that will be selected next week, and I know that I won't be selected for the same reasons, Fred.

    1. I'm sorry, Mac, I stopped reading your comment after the first three words: "a good leader." Did you say anything important after that?

  3. As it turns out, my application was not included on the list even though I made the deadline. The commissioners have already selected their nominees without the ability to pass over me officially. I have written to Tracy & Co. to inquire why I was purposefully excluded from the nominees and who else was left off with me.

    1. I heard all about it.

      I didn't get a reply, and you shouldn't expect one, either.

      Apparently, most of the applicants are completely uninvolved with the Village, know nothing about its functioning, including that it has a Charter, and live very close to Tracy.

      The purpose of the Charter Review committee is that Tracy will single-handedly redo the Charter (to arrogate power away from the manager and to the Commission, and even more so to the mayor), and the group will only be the next layer of stooges who will approve whatever Tracy wants. And yes, this was all arranged in advance and will happen outside the sunshine.

    2. Oh, and I forgot to add, Mac, that Tracy's next layer of stooges/neighbors who will man the Charter review committee all applied on the same day: September 4. It's all so...honest, and...sincere.

  4. Fred,

    Please don't contribute to the toxic atmosphere of the internet. You are old enough to remember that you had to call people names and spew hate face to face not hidden behind a computer in your house. Next time please have some basic human decency and talk to me first before you call me names out of ignorance of the facts - at least I hope it was out of ignorance, as facts can change ignorance, not stupidity or hate. Whatever you are attempting to accomplish with your blog will never happen if you continue to treat people with intolerance, lack of understanding and respect. Though I suspect from what I've read that is not your intention. I truly feel bad for people like you that are filled with hate. I normally don't enter echo chambers but was bored. Anyway, have a good day.

    Dave Goehl

    1. Mr Goehl (have we met? I think we might have once, although I don't remember you personally. Are we on first name terms? If so, then Dave,)

      First, welcome to the internet, or to commenting on blog posts, or to this blog. In that I really don't think you and I know each other, and you're not on my circulation, I'm curious how you found this blog. I'm not being rhetorical here. How did you stumble onto this post? You were never moved to comment before now. What's up?

      You have quite a crusade on your hands, if you want to reduce the toxic atmosphere of the internet.

      You know how old I am? I'm young at heart.

      I don't know how to interpret your suggestion that I called anyone names. If it's you who's complaining, my impulse would be to imagine you think I called you a name. You suggested I talk to you first, as if I knew how to reach you, "before [I] call [you] names." What name did I call you? It's possible I owe you an apology.

      And of what facts am I ignorant? You've used your opportunity to scold me, but you haven't introduced any correction, or "alternate facts." I agree with you that facts can change ignorance. So, if you're complaining, shouldn't you be offering a correction?

      Are you asking? What I'm attempting to accomplish with this blog is to offer information and insight, and provide a forum for discussion. I half way succeeded with you. You read what was written, but you didn't respond with a meaningful and substantive reply. You're just spitting and accusing/complaining. How much tolerance, understanding, and respect do you figure I would wind up having for someone who offers material like that?

      I'm not filled with hate. I'm filled with frustration, and I'm bereft over what the current Commission and administration are doing to Biscayne Park. I also have a ton of resentment over the waste and lack of progress committed by the current regime. Not to mention the horrible attitude, and using the power of the municipality to punish critics. You've been in BP for a long time. You were a Commissioner once. None of what's happening from "Village Hall" bothers you? Can you talk me and other blog readers through that?

      I don't know what you mean by an echo chamber. You seem to be the one creating the echo. And if you're really that bored, "get a life." You stopped being a Commissioner. You agreed to join a board whose mission and meetings were not of interest to you. Maybe you're bored, because you just really don't care.

      I'm having a good enough day. It's a bit stressful, and you're not even close to the being the biggest stressor. You have a good day, too.

      Fred Jonas

  5. Oh but Tracy is going to score one of her biggest victories tomorrow night when they most certainly will vote to abolish the code board in favor of a special magistrate. Where this any other commission but this one I could actually see some advantages to going in that direction. With Tracy (and her enablers)she has made it clear on more than one occasion that she wants more control over the code board. This is the only way she can get it. She can easily tell one employee what to do. Much tougher, if not impossible, to get 5 dedicated, sharp residents to cower to big momma. No matter how they try to spin it, it's about control and nothing else. Also will make Krishan and Christina's lives much easier.
    As for the Charter Review....oh gee what a coincidence. All those applications received on September 6. All those applications from residents within a block or 2 of Tracy. Two critical ordinances - the driveway and the construction one - seem to have been forgotten but we're going to review a charter that is only 13 years old and was reviewed only about 6 years ago. Such great priorities!

    1. I made precisely that point in public comment one night. The idea has a lot to recommend it, but not under this Commission, and with a magistrate already hand-picked by Tracy, with no RFP process.

      Yeah, the newest joke that is Charter review. And as you say, in the absence of being able to formulate one, or two, Ordinances. Yup, "such great priorities."

      I suppose the next suggestion will be to change our name to Truppman Park.

      I know I'm harping, but this is really what you all wanted three years ago? I told you this was going to happen.

    2. For the record, I was satisfied with my three-year term as a Commissioner. We (mostly Rox and David Coviello and I) accomplished a lot for the Village. I had no intention of running for re-election. But when I saw who was running, I felt I couldn't let people like that create a majority (they ran as a slate, and they had nothing but each other, and no connection to the Village), so I ran again. I tried to make clear, in this blog, on Nextdoor, and generally, what would happen if "anybody but Fred," meaning the three people who won, got elected. I was willing to sacrifice my comfort to prevent that from happening. My offer was not accepted, and we got exactly what I said we would get. Although with more autocracy and viciousness than I predicted. But the central idea is the same.

      You should have accepted my offer. We wouldn't be in this mess today. We would all have seen Tracy's colors, and Jenny's support for them, and would not have elected Betsy. In fact, without the protection (and majority) of Tracy, Betsy would not have run. We would not have Krishan, or at least not as he "functions" today. We would not have Rebecca Rodriguez.
