Tuesday, March 6, 2018

I Was Wrong. I Thought We Had Hit Bottom.

I stayed at the Commission meeting tonight for a very short time.  I got to the beginning of Public Comment, at which point it was already too sickening to watch.  The part I heard was the Additions and Withdrawals section.

Harvey Bilt wanted to withdraw something.  He wanted to withdraw one of Roxy Ross' New Business items.  I still have no idea how this works: that one Commissioner can propose to withdraw another Commissioner's item.  And in any normal group of normal Commissioners, it wouldn't work.   But this is no normal Commission.

Harvey's motion was to "pull" Roxy's item.  Before the complete insanity set in, it appeared Harvey's motion to shut Roxy up would go unseconded, and therefore die.  But Jenny Johnson-Sardella came to Harvey's rescue, and offered a second.  She didn't really give any reason, and she only mentioned some theory of "deferring" the item.  (Why?  Until when?)

At that point, Tracy "Big Mama" Truppman stepped in and started griping about "50 pages" of backup, and "not enough time" to read it.  By my count, Big Mama and two stooges/bobbleheads/children settles the matter.

Roxy tried to say that she extracted from a possible 50 pages (it was unclear where Big Mama got the "50 pages" from, since there were no 50 pages, and Big Mama was complaining she didn't have time to review what she was given) about 7 pages of material she hoped the Commission would discuss.

Roxy is apparently not a baseball fan.  She doesn't understand what three called strikes and a crooked umpire are about.

But Big Mama didn't want to come across as entirely cold-blooded (starting when?), so she suggested that maybe deferring the matter to some other time/year/decade would be a good idea.  "Yeah," parroted Harvey, "that's what I said; let's defer it."  No, Harvey, you did not move to defer the matter.  You moved to pull it.  Never mind that it's not your call, except in Big Mama's universe.

Big Mama consulted with the Attorney for a ruling (like she really needs a ruling) about one Commissioner's moving to pull another Commissioner's item.  Well, said the attorney, Robert's Rules of Order says...  (Except we don't use Robert's Rules of Order in the Village.)

So Big Mama and her two stooges/bobbleheads/kids muzzled Roxy, Big Mama moved on to Public Comment, and I moved on to reality.  As I was leaving, I heard Big Mama remind whichever Village residents wanted to speak that they should keep in mind "decorum."  (We don't have a decorum resolution, either.)

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