Monday, November 18, 2013

From the Campaign Trail: Sign Language

I've been having trouble with some of my campaign signs.  It seems that sometimes, my signs jump out of the ground and decide to take a rest.  They lie down in the grass, instead of standing where I placed them.  And my signs have less energy than do those of some of the other people running.  Sometimes, there will be a collection of three or four signs, representing me and other candidates, and only mine will be lying down on the job.  

On Saturday night, I got a call from one supporter to say that the signs in his yard (four of them, from four of us) had been stolen, and the same thing happened to the signs in some of his neighbors' yards.  They also lost signs from me and the people I myself support.  I have no idea, and no way to know, if the signs of candidates I do not support are also being vandalized or stolen.  Anyway, why would anyone tamper with campaign signs?  It's only a matter for the victims of taking the time, trouble, and money to correct the vandalism.  Oh, I just answered my own question, didn't I.

For your information, and this is information you might need to use, it is a criminal act to tamper with political campaign signs.  If you ever see someone vandalizing, manipulating, or stealing political campaign signs, you should call the police with that fact, and as good a description as you can provide of the miscreants.  If the information you provide is good enough, an arrest will follow.  It's that serious.

PS: I reported my lost signs to our BP police.  Unfortunately, I'm not the only candidate who has lost signs.  But fortunately, not all six of us have.  Only Ross, Bilt, Coviello, and I have reported lost signs.  Jacobs and Espinoza have been much luckier.

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